Friday, August 3, 2012

Cravings for Christ

Over the last year, setting a course to lose a sizable amount of weight has not always been fun or easy. However, it has been one of the most fruitful endeavors I have ever embarked on in my life. The fruit not only manifest itself in the obvious physical health but in the inward spiritual health as well. Prior to this journey I loved to indulge in Blue Bell ice-cream. In fact, I loved it and found myself craving it! I discovered, ashamedly, it was beyond my control. At times, the desire for Homemade Country Vanilla would well up from within and I had to have it. Soon into my healthier habits of eating, those cravings were gone and they were replaced with a new craving-a craving for health.

I wonder how many of us crave The Christ Life? At any given moment an overwhelming need wells up from deep within, an overwhelming passion, and it’s not for Blue Bell but rather it is to glorify God! It’s so powerful, much like the physical body under the influence of food, the spiritual man becomes influenced by the indwelling Jesus, who is working His way to the surface of our lives. To the onlooker this presents itself as a person with an intense craving for the things of God. It is such a craving for Christ that we disregard the physical, we ignore the counsel of men, and we throw caution to the wind. What and I craved Christ like Blue Bell?

Pastor Barry

P.S. 80 pounds lost to date. Learn to change your cravings!