Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Is It Enough?

Our mission trip to Peru has proven, once again, to be the highlight of my year thus far. Unless, you have been a part of going on an international mission trip, it’s hard to comprehend all that runs through one’s mind and heart. As we served in Carabyallo and the surrounding areas this year, one predominate question nagged me: “Is the work we are doing in the lives of the children at Glencoe (or wherever you go to church) and surrounding community enough to secure future generations for God’s Kingdom work?”

After serving in impoverished areas such as we have many, Americans express guilt for being an American and having so much. I do not; I am so proud to be an American and praise God for His sovereignty that would allow for me to be such. However, I do feel shame over the fact that the Body of Christ in America has lost its passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We have traded the pursuit of God for the pursuit of the American dream. This has impacted our children as well.

There is no shame or sin in being successful in the American culture; however, we must not fail to honor God with the material possessions He has blessed us with. As well, we must not fail to train up the next generation of Christian leaders. My heart is that Glencoe would be a body of believers committed to sacrificially investing in the lives of children.

Glencoe needs to focus on rearing a generation of leaders with a strong Christian worldview and the ability to excel in every facet of life. I pray you will consider being a part the many different opportunities and ministries that already exist to reach children. Pray about how you and I can effectively mentor future Kingdom leaders.
Pastor Barry